Modern art for your face!
From the eyewear capital of the world (Paris to you and me) comes the collection of Pascal Jaulent and Nadine Roth. Face à Face strikes a rare and delicate balance, pushing the boundaries of fashion yet never overshadowing the face on which they sit. Handmade in France, Face à Face designers display exceptional sensitivity to the character of your face, so the frames enhance your appearance instead of defining it. InVision Exclusive.
Showing 49 styles
Arman 1
Ashoka 1
Blake 1
Blake 2
Blink 2
Blink 3
Bloom 2
Carar 1
Clint 1
Cocto 3
Daria 3
Echos 2
Eileen 3
Gear 3
Halos 2
Hanna 1
Hanna 2
Hanna 3
Haori 1
Haori 2
Havane 2
Kahlo 3
Kaledo 2
Kaledo 3
Kanji 1
Kanji 2
Kimono 1
Kuma 1
Kuma 2
Kuma 3
Kyoto 1
Kyoto 2
Matics 1
Meryl 2
Micah 1
Micah 2
Moves 1
Moves 2
Naoko 1
Nendo 2
Nendo 3
Nijji 2
Pleats 1
Pleats 2
Reeds 1
Reeds 2
Swing 1
Swing 2
Zaiku 2
View more from Face a Face on their website.